Fullerton Remediation Project
Historic leakage of diesel fuel from several storage tanks located on the former Home Oil Depot property in North Vancouver had resulted in hydrocarbon contamination of the local groundwater. In 1996, Greystone Properties Ltd. (now Concert Properties) purchased the adjacent Fullerton property with plans to develop a Harbourside Business Park. However, one important condition for approval of the development plans by the City was the clean-up of the hydrocarbon contamination on this site.
RGC was retained to design a hydraulic barrier system that would protect the Fullerton site from re-contamination by groundwater from the neighbouring former Home Oil Depot site during and post remediation. A field investigation was carried out including drilling, water level monitoring and pump testing to characterize the local aquifer system. This field data was used to calibrate a three-dimensional groundwater flow model for the site. The calibrated model was then used to design a hydraulic barrier system consisting of a 270 m long Waterloo Barrier®, seven extraction wells and a shallow drain system.
The remedial plan for the Fullerton site was approved and implemented in 1998. RGC was responsible for all aspects of design, construction supervision, operation and maintenance and performance monitoring of the hydraulic barrier system. The hydraulic barrier system proved to be successful in protecting the Fullerton lands from recontamination. Today, Harbour Business Park is considered one of the prime commercial real estate properties on the North Shore.
Services Provided
- 3-Dimensional Groundwater Flow Modeling
- Hydraulic Testing
- Construction Supervision
- Performance Monitoring
NEXT Environmental Inc.