Online Courses + Useful Links

We support advancement of new environmental technologies through research projects, industry initiatives and sponsorship. RGC has authored online courses for the mining industry.

Courses authored by RGC

  • Acid Rock Drainage Prediction (Edumine course, released October 2019)
  • An Introduction to Mining Investment – Understanding the Risks (Edumine course, released October 2016)
  • Geotechnical Engineering for Mine GeoWaste Facilities (Edumine course, released December 2019)
  • Groundwater in Mining (Edumine course, released October 2019)
  • Heap Leach Pads
  • Mine Closure: The Basics of Success (Edumine course, released October 2019)
  • Mine Water and Chemical Balance Analysis (Edumine course, released November 2019)
  • Multiple Accounts Analysis
  • Surface Water Management at Mines (Edumine course, released October 2019)
  • Tailings Facility Design, Operation, and Closure (Edumine course, released December 2020)

Guidelines authored by RGC

Guidelines for Groundwater Modelling to Assess Impacts of Natural Resource Development Activities
 – British Columbia Ministry of Environment. Authors: Dr. Christoph Wels (RGC), Dan Mackie, & Jacek Scibek (SRK Consulting)

Useful Links

UBC Department of Mining Engineering
The Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering (formerly UBC Department of Mining Engineering) is located in British Columbia Canada, and is committed to being a leader in a new era where mining assumes a more responsive and responsible role in the world, helping to address the pressing need for social equity and sustainability.

Mineral Resources Education Program of BC
The Mineral Resources Education Program of BC is a partnership between classroom teachers and the mineral industry in British Columbia. The partnership has existed since 1991. The focus of this partnership is to support classroom teachers with the development of practical and usable teacher resources. Thanks to a team of creative and enthusiastic teachers, and a unique educational opportunity offered through the Mining Association of British Columbia, minerals, mining and geoscience resources were developed. The program is teacher-driven and all classroom resources are teacher-written. All aspects of development are supported by contributions to the program.

SRK Consulting: Engineering & Scientists
Earth and water resource specialists. Every type of mining project on every continent; from grass roots exploration to site remediation. Over 800 professionals in 33 offices on 6 continents. Expert independent advice.

The Northern Miner Group
InfoMine provides comprehensive information on mining, the mining industry, mining technology and mineral exploration. InfoMine categories include mining news, mining jobs, mining equipment, mineral commodities, and professional development.

The Edumine platform provides professional development training for people in the mining industry. With over 180 on-demand courses, you can learn anytime, anywhere; or attend live webcasts and short courses to interact directly with industry experts. You’ll acquire recognized credentials and advance your professional development.