We support advancement of new environmental technologies through research projects and industry initiatives. We have also written some online courses.
The links in the publications below are PDF downloads.
Brixel, B, Caldwell, J. A., Wels, C. (2012): Groundwater Issues in the Design, Operation, and Closure of Tailings, Waste Rock and Heap Leach Facilities. Tailings & Mine Waste: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference, Keystone, Colorado, USA, October 14-17, 2012.
Wels, C, Ferguson, P., Fawcette, M. (2012): Numerical Groundwater Flow Modelling at the Historic Rum Jungle Mine Site, Northern Territory, Australia. Tailings & Mine Waste: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference, Keystone, Colorado, USA, October 14-17, 2012
Ferguson, P., Wels, C., Fawcett, M. (2012): Current water quality conditions at the historic Rum Jungle Mine Site, northern Australia
Charlebois, L. E. (2012): Pahoehoe to paste: rheological field methods for characterizing overland tailings flow behaviour. Tailings & Mine Waste: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference, Keystone, Colorado, USA, October 14-17, 2012.
Brixel, B., Caldwell, J. (2011): Thirty Years of Tailings Seepage from Tailings and Mine Waste. Tailings & Mine Waste: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, Vancouver, British-Columbia, Canada, November 6 to 9, 2011.
Ferguson, P.R., Wels, C., Fawcett, M. (2011): Current Groundwater Quality Conditions at the Historic Rum Jungle Mine Site, Northern Australia
Christoph Wels, Laura Findlater and Chris McCombe (2009): Contaminant Load Balance Study for Mount Morgan Mine, QLD, Australia. Paper presented at Securing the Future and 8th ICARD, June 23-26, 2009, Skellefteå, Sweden.
Christoph Wels and Laura-Lee Findlater (2009): Groundwater Modelling as a Tool for Closure Planning: Prediction of Zinc Transport for Alternative Cover Scenarios. Paper presented at Securing the Future and 8th ICARD, June 23-26, 2009, Skellefteå, Sweden.
Wels, C., and Findlater, L. (2008): Groundwater Modelling as a Tool for Closure Planning. Prediction of Zinc Transport for Alternative Cover Scenarios. In proceedings of the 6th Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Burnie, Tasmania, Australia, 15-18th April 2008, pp 139-150.
Wels, C., Findlater, L., and McCombe, C. (2007): Contaminant Load Estimates for the Historic Mount Morgan Mine Site, Queensland, Australia. In proceedings of WISMUT 2007 – Stilllegung und Revitalisierung von Bergbaustandorten zur nachhaltigen Regionalentwicklung, Gera, Germany 10-12th September 2007, pp 377-384.
Wels, C., Findlater, L., and McCombe, C. (2006): Assessment of groundwater impacts at the historic Mount Morgan Mine Site, Queensland, Australia. In proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, St Louis, Missouri, USA, March 26-30, 2006.
Wels, C., Findlater, L., Shaw, S. and Laurencont, T. (2004): Mt Morgan Mine – A Case Study of ARD Impacted Groundwater. In proceedings of Mine Water 2004 – Process, Policy and Progress Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom 20-24th September 2004, pp 235-245.
Matasovic, N., Caldwell, J. and Guptill, P. (2004): “The Role of Geotechnical Factors in Northridge Earthquake Residential Damage,” Proc. 5th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, New York, New York, CD ROM Paper 8.13.
Wels, C. (2002): Use of Waterloo Barrier in Progressive Reclamation of Hydrocarbon Plume Proceedings of the 55th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, October 20-23, 2002.
Wels, C., Fortin, S. & Loudon, S. (2002): Assessment of Store-and-Release Cover for Questa Tailings Facility, New Mexico. In Tailings and Mine Waste 02, proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tailings amd Mine Waste, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 27-30 January 2002, pp. 459-468.
Wels, C., Loudon, S. & Fortin, S. (2002): Factors Influencing Net Infiltration into Mine Rock Piles at Questa Mine, New Mexico. In Tailings and Mine Waste 02, proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tailings amd Mine Waste, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 27-30 January 2002, pp. 469-477.
Wels, C., O Kane, M., Fortin, S. and Christensen, D (2001): Infiltration Test Plot Study for Mine Rock at Questa Mine, New Mexico. Paper presented at the American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation Conference, Proceedings Volume 1, pp. 195-209, June 2001, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Wels, C., O Kane, M., and Fortin, S. (2001): Assessment of Water Storage cover for Questa Tailings Facility, New Mexico. Paper presented at the American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation Conference, Proceedings Volume 2, pp. 500-513, June 2001, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Wels, C., Loudon, S. and Newman, G. (2001): Modelling of Alternative Cover Scenarios for Mine Rock Piles at the Zortman and Landusky Mine Sites. In: National Association of Abandoned Mine Lands Annual Conference, August 19-22, 2001, Athens, Ohio.
Wels, C., Barnekow, M., Haase, M., Exner, M., and Jakubick, A.T (2000): A Case Study On Self-Weight Consolidation Of Uranium Tailings. Paper presented at Uranium 2000; Conference held September 9-15, 2000, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Wels, C., Shaw, S., and Royle, M. (2000): A Case History Of Intrinsic Remediation Of Reactive Tailings Seepage For Questa Mine. Paper presented at the ICARD 2000 Conference, Proceedings Volume 1, pp. 441-458, May 2000, Denver, Colorado.
Shaw, S.C. (2000): Geochemical Characterization and Water Quality Predictions for the Zortman/Landusky Reclamation Project. In Mine Design, Operations and Closure Conference 2000.
Jambor,J.L., Groat, L.A., Shaw, S.C., Blowes, D.W., Hanton-Fong, C.J. (1999): Mineralogical Reactions in Lysimeters Containing Tailings with Different Sulfide Contents
Somasundaram, S., Caldwell, J.A., Loan, A.R., and LaFountain, L.J. (1999): “Design and Construction of an Evapotranspirative Cover at the OII Landfill” Solid Waste Association of North America. 4th Annual Landfill Symposium. Denver, Colorado June 28-30, 1999
Zornberg, G.J., LaFountain, L., and Caldwell, J.A., (1999): “Design of Monocovers for Landfills in Arid Locations.” Environmental Geotechnics, edited by Seco e Pinto, P. Proc. Third International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics. Lisbon, Portugal, 7-11 September 1998. Published by A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam and Brookfield. ISBN 90 5809 006 X
Wels, C., L. Smith, and R.D. Beckie (1997): The Influence Of Surface Sorption On Dispersion In Parallel Plate Fractures. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 28 95-114
Wels, C., L. Smith, and T.T. Vandergraaf (1996): The Influence Of Specific Surface Area On Transport Of Sorbing Solutes In Fractures. An Experimental Analyses. Water Resources Research 32. 1943 – 1954.
Shaw, S.C., Groat, L.A., Jambor, J.L., Blowes, D.W., Hanton-Fong, C.J. and Stuparyk, R.A. (1996): Mineralogical Study of Base Metal Tailings With Various Sulfide Contents, Oxidized in Laboratory Column Oxidation and Field Lysimeter Studies. Environmental Geology, V. 33(2/3), p. 209-217.
Jamieson, H.E., Shaw, S.C. and Clark, A.H. (1995): Mineralogical Factors Controlling Metal Release From Tailings at Geco, Manitouwadge, Ontario. In: Sudbury 95, Mining and the Environment, and eds. CANMET, vol 1, pp. 405-413.
Santiago, J., Gonzalez, D., Caldwell, J. (1995): “Comparative Evaluation of International Practice in Remediating Hazardous and Radioactive Waste Sites,” 5th International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation, Berlin, Germany.
Caldwell, J.A. (1995): “Waste Disposal Cell Covers: Practice, Problems, and Opportunities,” Colloquium Presentation, The Desert Research Institute and the University of Reno, Nevada.
Wels, C. and L. Smith (1994): Retardation Of Sorbing Solutes In Fractured Media. Water Resources Res. 30, 2547-2563.
Wels, C., R.J. Cornett, and B.D. LaZerte (1991): Hydrograph Separation. Comparison Of Isotropic And Chemical Tracers. J. Hydrology 122:253-274.
Wels, C., C.H. Taylor, R.J. Cornett, and B.D. LaZerte (1991): Streamflow Generation In A Headwater Basins On The Precambrian Shield. Hydrological Processes 4, 505-512.
Wels, C., R.J. Cornett, and B.D. LaZerte (1990): Groundwater And Wetland Contributions To Stream Acidification. An Isotropic Analysis. Water Resources Res. 26. 2993-3003.
Hoopes, J., Caldwell, J.A., Bridgeman, B, Glover, W. (1990): ): “Management of the PIPP Program for the UMTRA Project Groundwater Restoration,” Columbia Conference on Environmental Issues and Management of Waste in Energy and Mineral Production, Columbia University, New York
Reith, C., Caldwell, J.A. (1990): “Vegetative Covers for Uranium Mill Tailings,” Waste Management 90: Working Towards a Cleaner Environment, Tucson, Arizona.
Caldwell, J.A., Shepherd, T.A. (1990): “Pile Stabilization and Groundwater Protection at Title I and Title II Uranium Mill Tailings Sites,” U.S. Department of Energy Remedial Action Contractors Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Caldwell, J.A., Reith, C. (1990): “Cover Design for Uranium Mill Tailings Piles: A Standard for the Future,” Western Regional Symposium on Mining and Mineral Processing Wastes, Berkeley, California.
Peel, B., Caldwell, J.A. (1989): “Value Engineering in Hazardous Waste and Contaminant Remediation,” HAZTECH International Conference, San Francisco, California.
Caldwell, J.A., Leske, D., Coons, L. (1989): “Groundwater Protection and Restoration at Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal Sites,” HAZTECH International Conference, San Francisco, California.
Caldwell, J.A. (1989): “Long Term Engineering Requirements in Waste Disposal and Site Remediation,” Annual National Association of Environmental Professionals Conference, Reno, Nevada.
Caldwell, J.A., Reith, C. (1989): “Remedial Activities in Arid Areas: The Design of Hazardous Waste Cells in the Desert,” New Mexico Hazardous Waste Management Society, 2nd Annual Hazardous Waste Management Conference and Exhibition.
Caldwell, J.A., Kyllo, M.S., Matthews, M., J. D’Antonio (1989): “DOE Disposal Cell Design and Surveillance and Maintenance Programs,”Proc. Conference: Waste Management 89, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
Caldwell, J.A., Rager, R.E., Coons, L. (1988): “Geotechnical and Groundwater Site Characterization on the UMTRA Project,” 2nd International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Editor: Sahmshet Prakash, University of Missouri Rolla.
Caldwell, J.A., Rager, R., LARSON, N.B. (1988): “The Impact of Proposed EPA Groundwater Standards on UMTRA Project Disposal Cell Design,” Department of Energy, Remedial Action Program Annual Meeting. – PDF 12.7 MB
Caldwell, J.A., Larson, N., Rager, R. (1987): “Assessment of the Effects of Potential Ground Subsidence on a Reclaimed Tailings Pile,” in Geotechnical and Geohydrological Aspects of Waste Management, Editors Dirk J.A. Van Zyl et al. Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, Michigan.
Morris, D.V., Caldwell, J.A., Schwarz, S.D. (1986): “Correlation of Geophysical and Geotechnical Site Investigation Methods,” Proc. 22nd Symposium on Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering, Boise, Idaho.
Caldwell, J.A., Kiel, J., Thatcher, J. (1986): “Environmental Considerations in the Design of the Cannon Mine Tailings Impoundment,” Proc. 1st International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, Allentown, P.A.
Caldwell, J.A., Wathen, T.R., D’Antonio, J.R. (1986): “Criteria for Remedial Works at Inactive Uranium Tailings Piles,” 2nd International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management, Winnepeg, Manitoba.
Caldwell, J.A., Thackston, J.W., Portillo, R. (1986): “Geotechnical and Water Resource Aspects of Uranium Mill Tailings Pile Reclamation Projects,” Proc. 4th Annual Hazardous Materials Management Conference, Atlantic City, N.J.
Caldwell, J.A., Sluder, T., Crews, T. (1986): “Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering in the Development of the Cannon Mine,” Proc. 22nd Symposium on Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering, Boise, Idaho.
Caldwell, J.A., Moore, Poulter, D.A., Smith (1984): “Impoundment Design for Cyanided Tailings: Case History Descriptions of McLaughlin and Cannon Mine,” Proc. Conference on Cyanide and the Environment, University of Arizona; Tucson.
Byrne, P.M., Morris D.V., Caldwell J.A. (1984): “Seismic Stability of a Tailings Impoundment on Soft Clayey Silt Deposits, Eighth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,” Vol. III, pp. 381 388, San Francisco
Blight, G.E., Caldwell, J.A. (1984): “Abating Pollution from Abandoned Gold Residue Dams,” SAIMM Journal, Vol. 84, No. 1.
Caldwell, J.A., Stevenson, (1984): “Geotechnical Evaluations for Tailings Impoundments,” Proc. 6th Regional Conference for Africa, ISSMFE, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Caldwell, J.A., Smith A. (1984): “Heave of Coal Shale Fill,” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol 21. No. 2.
Caldwell, J.A., Smith, A. (0): “Material Considerations in the Design of Downstream Embankments for Tailings Impoundments,” Mining Science and Technology, 3(1985) 35 49, Elsevier Science Publishers BV, Amsterdam.